NotEdinburgh NotBlog:3

For some reason - probably being busy or at least as busy as you can be when actually on holiday - I didn't get the time to complete this aide memoire whilst still in Edinburgh. So I'd better do it now before memories fade but the scars still linger...

Saturday 19 August

I think this is where I left you. Made my way over to the Gilded Balloon to see Hils Barker - a show I had not only done the poster for but also designed some fake chicklit covers for:

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Friendly, chatty standup with just the right level (for me) of annoyance with the world and some amusing musical sequences too.

I then made my way over to the Pleasance Courtyard and saw Star Trip - a comedy-mime-music-dance science fiction show.Very odd. The second half of it was pretty good though.

Afterwards I suddenly discovered that we would be doing a Gonzo show after all...

Sunday 20 August

Up latish and into town as per. J and I met up with M and made our way over to the Baby Belly to see Moths Ate My Dr Who Scarf.

Amusing confessional stand-up from the perspective of a Dr Who fan (obviously).

Later that evening it was time for Magic Steve's Disappearing Act - I'd seen this before in London but this full length version was excellent.

This was followed by an impromptu viewing of (two thirds of) Dr Cocacolamcdonalds in the same venue which was unexpected and hilarious.

Monday 21 August

The day of the Gonzo gig. Around town earlier on trying to buy some costume-type-thing. Then to the Underbelly for Trainspotting Feminism and Religion which like MSDA above I'd seen before but which was even better now.

Rehearsal at the top of a high victorian tenement building followed by most of the rest of the band eating a pig stew. Needless to say I didn't indulge. After that it was delivering the equipment to the Pleasance Dome followed by cocktails at some bar across the road. I was cautious with my alcohol intake. After all, I hadn't played for a year so didn't want to mess it up...
Gonzo 2006
12.30am and we had access to the venue.A quick set up a quick soundcheck and suddenly people were pouring in. Apparently it had sold out.  All in all it went very well with a very highly populated Intro and a good reaction from everyone. After that it was back to Brookes for drinks until 4am.

I had to stay up all night in order to check in for my flight the next morning. As a result I was extremely grumpy at the airport.

All in all I had a great time; shame I couldn't have been there for longer and a shame I didn't see more shows.

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