Manhattan transfer

The annoying thing - one of the annoying things for there are several – about travelling alone is that you don’t get to appear in any of your pictures, and as a result, they look like just anyone’s pictures, with nothing unique about them save your perspective.

Anyway, spent most of yesterday evening in the hostel’s courtyard talking to some of the other occupants. Quite a few Brits, some Europeans and some Koreans. Was too tired to do anything about going out last night and got a relatively early night.

Visible Empire State BuildingThis meant a relatively early morning. Had breakfast at a nearby café and then walked uptown towards the Empire State Building. Luckily it was still early enough for ridiculous queues not to be an issue – and in fact within half an hour of arrival I was at the top. There was a strange quiet calm up there as if people were afraid to raise their voices in case the laws of nature suddenly noticed what they were doing so far from the ground. Rather hazy, sadly.

Back down and after a visit to a bookshop got the subway down to Wall St from where I walked to Battery Park. This being Memorial Day Weekend, there seemed to be quite a lot going on, what’s more half the park was cordoned off due to building works. Walked over to the Staten Island Ferry, but by then it was too crowded so I thought I’d go another day – perhaps one when I can get there early enough. Instead I walked around the southern tip of Manhattan to South Street Sea Port where I headed inland again. Some more wandering brought me to an Indian Restaurant where I had an adequate curry before catching the subway back here. No plans for the evening yet, but I think there’s going to be a shower in the not too distant future. It was another extremely hot day.

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